Monday, April 2, 2012

Our Mission

We at Jeremiah House don’t feel that it can be said any better than how Jeremiah 29: 11 spells out for each of us God’s desire for a Hope and a Future and a plan for our lives. Ingrained in this plan is a blue print for living a successful life and how to prosper in our endeavors.

Our desire is for each young man that we have the privilege and the opportunity to work with, be given a chance to change their lives in a positive way. This in turn will change the lives of those around them, creating a ripple effect for generations to come.

We work to instill the concept of always doing your best at whatever task is at hand. We strive for excellence in academics, sports, work, and play, knowing that self esteem is accomplished by working hard and doing well; reaping the benefits from a job well done.

These young men are given the opportunity to rebuild their lives that have been caught up in circumstances beyond their control. This gives each young man a Hope for their Future. Without Hope there is no Future, and without the prospects for a positive/successful Future, there is no Hope.

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