Monday, April 9, 2012

Rebuilding Trust for a Foster Child

Being able to trust someone isn’t common in the world of the traumatized child. The primary caregivers that the child relies on for their very existence, are the same ones that have made the child’s life a living hell.

All too often, a child that is removed from the home of their biological parents, and placed into foster care, have already developed a wall around their heart, that is going to make bonding with that child a difficult task.

Some foster parents make the mistake of trying to smother the child with love, thinking that love is going to be the cure-all for the woes of the child. Although love is an important part of the healing of the child, consistency and follow through is what is going to be needed for the child to even begin trusting someone again. The child needs to know that the parent is going to stand fast to the boundaries that have been put in place.

These boundaries will dictate to the child that you the parent are now in control. This provides safety and security for the child and gives them an environment to rebuild trust. Understand that this process, although painstaking and slow in developing, will also be rewarding as it will make a difference in a child’s life.

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